June 29, 2010

Zala's 2nd Birthday


I know, I know. It has been over 3 months. No good excuse, really, we have just been super-busy!

March 9, 2010

Questions, questions

Ziga has been especially inquisitive and curious lately. Some of my favorite questions:

Is it dark in our tummies?

How do we talk?

Where is the hole that babies come out of? (Me: That's a really good question, Ziga. What do you think? Z: Oh, it's the belly button, yeah.)

Whew---I wasn't ready for that one!

March 1, 2010

The Story of Zala's Entrapment

So, the big excitement at the Lomshek home today was Zala locking herself in one of the basement rooms. Ryan, our employee and friend, was kind enough to watch the kids while Janez and I ran over to Ziga's pre-school conference. When I came in the door, I yelled, "How's it going?" and Ryan, who is extremely laid back (and great with kids), yelled back, "NOT GOOD! Zala locked herself in this room!" Ryan felt bad, but keep in mind--this could have happened to any of us. Zala has been this close to being able to twist doorknobs and has been very fond lately of slamming doors in others' faces and saying "bye bye!" I guess has also been intrigued by the lock mechanism on doors as well.

As luck would have it--upon closer examination this room, where we keep a lot of our inventory in the basement, we discover that this door has a lock that requires a key. (Usually I just pick the locks if something like this happens....). We couldn't find a key that worked in the lock, and we couldn't coax Zala to unlock the door, so Janez had to bust the door in. He was quite the hero and Zala was very relieved to be in her mama's arms. Ziga of course was right there in the action and was very helpful in talking to Zala while she was behind the door.

So... we have a new repair to add to our list. Thankfully my wonderful husband came through again tonight and unclogged the disposal for me. Other news: After two days of being fever-free Ziga's fever appears to be back.

Good news--Ziga's conference went great and we are told he is very considerate of others and etc. etc. It sounds like he is doing great at his pre-school (which he loves, and we love)!

February 28, 2010


We had a great month--but it's been busy, and I've been slacking on posts! I created a photo album. Photos are in no particular order. But--we had Janez's birthday, playtime with Avery, a good couple of hours outside when it warmed up a little, and other fun times with friends. February flew by--we're excited for more fun times in March!
From February 2010

February 15, 2010


Ziga and Zala get along soooo well--and tonight they proved what a great team they are. While I was on the phone and doing dishes after dinner, Zala apparently told Ziga that she had to go to the bathroom (she has been sitting on the potty and doing something in there once or twice a day). When I hung up the phone I heard Ziga trying to lift something, and I went into the bathroom to discover that he had helped Zala onto the potty, by pulling her pants down, taking her diaper off, and lifting her up! Then he said, "there you go Zala." Just about melted my heart. And--bonus--she went in the potty! Awesome little people :)

February 14, 2010

This Morning....

....I turn on the baby monitor, finally, at 8:15 just in case I can't hear Zala when she wakes up after all. And, I hear lots of strange noises and am wondering what she is doing in her crib to make those noises. So, Ziga and I start to go up the stairs to get her (he always wants to come with me), and I realize that I hear noises coming from her exer-saucer, which I store in a corner of her room. She had climbed out of her crib! It made sense to me in a way--she really fought her nap yesterday--when she usually is very good about going to sleep--and Grandma, who was nice enough to babysit for us last night, said she didn't think she needed to go to bed ("no nigh nigh!"). So--this marks Zala's first time climbing out of the crib. I am very interested to see if she does it again. Ziga did it only once when we lived out in CA. Time will tell!

February 9, 2010


So---I know I am neglecting the blog as usual, and this little story actually happened last week. Anyone who knows Ziga knows that he is very concerned when things don't "work" and will jump at an opportunity to find batteries, unscrew the battery cover, and make it work again. So, this was an interesting conversation.

Z: Mommy, do we have batteries?

Me(distracted): Yeah, Ziga, we have some, I don't know what size though, only double
A...what do you need them for?!

Z: No, Mommy, do we have batteries?

Me: Oh, like, in our bodies?

Z: Yeah, yeah! Like, so we can think.

Me: Well, Ziga, we don't have batteries because we are people, but this is how our bodies work (and then I launched into what I am sure was a confusing explanation of the heart and the brain--but I kept it as simple as I could. He was satisfied, in any case).

January 30, 2010

Zala's New Look

I feel pretty bad that part of Zala's little baby tooth is missing--but at least it is just a baby tooth!

January 29, 2010


What a week! Janez got food poisoning on Wed and is just now feeling back to normal. Miss Zala fell on Steve's driveway Wednesday night and broke her front top tooth. Yesterday morning I took her into the dentist and she ended up having to have a Pulpotomy--a procedure that probably took about 15/20 minutes but seemed like an hour while she was screaming--to help her tooth heal. She'll have a chunk out of it unless we decide to do something further. At the moment, between her tooth and her scraped up lip, she is looking a little sad! Ziga was there during the procedure and was very good. In any case--I think we've had our fill of drama this week. I'm done until next month at least.

January 25, 2010


I think I finally got a picture that does justice to Ziga's ridiculously long eyelashes. On my photo blog:


January 23, 2010

Zala Tutu Pics

Pics of Zala in her new tutu (thanks Grandma!) are on my photography blog:


January 9, 2010


It appears that Zala's hair is finally long enough for me to put in some 'tails--she was very cooperative and even said "pretty" as she touched them. I think she is so darn cute with them in that she may just get away with quite a bit....

Holy Big

Ziga has been describing things as "really" big, small, etc. lately. Except, he says "holy" instead of "really". I could probably correct him more often but I think it's so darn cute and innocent and I know his language will only get more and more mature. So, for now, I'll just enjoy it.

January 5, 2010

It's Frickin' Freezing, Mr. Bigglesworth

So....we are staying inside, again. I was fortunate to get out for a few hours because I had a session, but the poor kiddos have been cooped up. Today was pretty good though. We colored, did a floor puzzle, and Ziga watched "The Land Before Time". Dinner, baths, and bed...now, bed for me!

January 3, 2010

Slide Show--Christmas Pics

Christmas 2009 (Better Late than Never!)

We had a fantabulous Christmas this year! First of all--there's no beating a white Christmas. It was so beautiful! What am I talking about---it is still so beautiful, and will probably be so beautiful for another two weeks!

We celebrated Christmas Eve at my mom's with my brother Ty. It was great to see him! Ziga and Zala got awesome PJ's and various other things. Zala got a frilly tutu and didn't want to take it off to get into the car. Janez and I got some new dishes from my mom, which were badly needed and came in very handy for serving Christmas dinner the next day.

Ziga was pretty psyched to open his stocking and was happy with his hot wheels and Playmobil Pirate Ship. Zala got a music set and some bristle blocks, among other things. She was really excited about Ziga's gifts though.

Janez got a BB gun to kill the squirrels that steal our tomatoes every year. Ziga has somehow gotten the idea that we will be eating a lot of chipmunk, squirrel, and rabbit soon.

I was very very happy to receive the Wii Fit and Jillian Michaels Wii game. Janez was not supposed to but he did. He knows how much nicer I am when I exercise ;) We have been loving the Wii and watching Ziga box and do the balance games is entertainment in it's purest form. I must say some of those games really are a great workout.

We did have a small obstacle (read--350 pound)on Christmas morning, because a spring broke on our garage door Christmas Eve around 1:00 AM while we were wrapping presents. Since we needed to make it to mass at 11:00 Janez and I were huffing and puffing to get the garage door up in order to get our car out. Thank goodness we have some kind of 4 x 4 function on the Beemer--we managed to get out of our extremely un-plowed neighborhood and made it to mass on time. We were lucky enough that once again, the Lomshek/Kalan clan traveled up from their respective homes in Southeast Kansas. They sure did brave some tough weather to get here! We were joined by my mom as well and it was a great day, despite the snow! Our guests began arriving around noon and by the time we got around to opening presents a few people were ready to get on the road (before dark). So, present-opening was a little chaotic.

My Dad came by a few days ago and brought a great gift for the kids--a portable DVD player---badly needed, actually, since the powercords to our other one mysteriously disappeared (where does stuff GO in this house? I'm sure I'll find them in the back of some obscure cabinet in a month or two). He and Jolene got us a heated mattress cover. Can I just tell you--I think that may be the best invention....um.....ever. We are loving it!

It was a great Christmas, and we feel so truly blessed to have such wonderful family. :)

View below link for photos.