February 14, 2010

This Morning....

....I turn on the baby monitor, finally, at 8:15 just in case I can't hear Zala when she wakes up after all. And, I hear lots of strange noises and am wondering what she is doing in her crib to make those noises. So, Ziga and I start to go up the stairs to get her (he always wants to come with me), and I realize that I hear noises coming from her exer-saucer, which I store in a corner of her room. She had climbed out of her crib! It made sense to me in a way--she really fought her nap yesterday--when she usually is very good about going to sleep--and Grandma, who was nice enough to babysit for us last night, said she didn't think she needed to go to bed ("no nigh nigh!"). So--this marks Zala's first time climbing out of the crib. I am very interested to see if she does it again. Ziga did it only once when we lived out in CA. Time will tell!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

get ready for some fun!