April 30, 2009

Pretty Things

thank goodness for replays!!!

Royals game will be re-played! Woohoo!!!

awww, man!!!

That's one of Ziga's favorite new things to say. And, what I was thinking to myself as I tried to pull up my recording of today's Royals game, to find out it had been cut off at 3:45. Shawn and Janez took Ziga to today's game and apparently not only were they on the Jumbotron (sp?) but they were also on TV!!----at 4:30 or so. Guess I won't be seeing this one!

April 28, 2009

Baby Girl Miller

Jamie was nice enough to let me come up and practice on the Miller family's
newest little angel, born April 27th!

April 26, 2009

The Swing

Lately, Ziga prefers to be pushed on the big-kid swing on our playset out back. He is thrilled when I push him higher, and higher...always demanding a "big push!" Tonight, I was pushing him and he said, "I need to go there, up into the tree, the clouds--my get stuck!" I'm hearing things like that a lot lately--"I want to go there" (a place he sees on TV) or "I want to get in that" (a picture of an ATV in one of his books). Here we go! A new stage of independence.....

New Camera!

I looooooooooooove it!!!!

April 2009

April 20, 2009

Best Friend

Best moment ever: Ziga, with his mouth full of bagel, leaning over to give me a hug and telling me, as he pats me on the back, "My bess fwen."

April 19, 2009

Emily's Birthday Party

Yesterday we went to a very fun birthday celebration for Ziga's friend Emily! Heather put together a great slideshow, below is the link to her blog post. There's a funny pic of Ziga towards the end with cupcake on his face. Thanks for the great party, Heather & Mark!


April 16, 2009

Deanna Rose

Today we went with our next-door-neighbors and good friends Reid, Riley, and their mom Nancy, as well as Nancy's mom, to Deanna Rose for the first time since it's opening earlier this month. Ziga and Reid and Riley had a great time running around, even if the construction was a little loud! Suffice it to say--I think all 4 kids will be sleeping very soundly tonight!

Deanna Rose-1st Trip of 2009!

April 15, 2009


Every time Ziga gets sick we end up having him visit our room frequently at night. He's pretty warm and cuddly and it's kind of nice at first.....but no one ends up sleeping very well. Since he has made a full recovery Janez and I told him in no uncertain terms that Monday night was IT. He did stay in his bed all night--although I did have to bribe him with chocolate!

At 8:00 AM, I told my night owl(s) it was time to rise & shine! This is how they responded.

After I opened the blinds..........loudly. And pulled the covers off.

After I dried my hair with the bathroom door open. I give up!!!

April 14, 2009

Bugs 'n Stuff (Warning--not for arachnophobics!)

I was a little worried that Ziga would be scared of bugs. I really try to control my reactions to large, furry insects, but hey--I'm only human. Fortunately there are some uncle figures that are not scared of bugs/worms/etc. and view these as learning opportunities for kids. Here are some of Ziga's recent encounters, and he has been nothing short of fascinated.

This lovely, unidentifiable (scary when Jurij & Mel can't figure out what it is) specimen was found near Teta & Jimmy's home. Fortunately he was DOA, allowing for closer examination.

Roly-polys in the garage yesterday. Lots of roly-poly carcasses vacuumed up today in the basement. Loads of fun for Ziga, who also is fascinated by the vacuum.

Poor l'il roly poly...

Very excited about the worms!

April 13, 2009

Easter Festivities

Easter began last week at our house and ended.....well, it hasn't really ended because Ziga is still demanding candy every half hour but that's part of the fun! We celebrated Ziga recovering from his trio of illnesses last Wednesday by making cupcakes and decorating them with ridiculously fun Easter sprinkles. On Thursday, we had a combo playdate with the Terrific Two-year-olds and the Babies of 2008. Emily, Kohen and Ziga colored eggs and Zala, Conrad, and Jonas cooed at each other. Lots of fun! On Saturday, we hosted the neighborhood Easter egg hunt in our back yard. It was a blast! Ziga was a little bit overwhelmed by the 25 or so kids in his backyard, but Grandma helped him navigate the situation and find some eggs. Zala napped through the entire thing.

Sunday started bright and early (a little too early--I had to wake Ziga up--I'm getting many clues lately that he is not so much a morning person)--and we headed to church for 8:00 Easter mass. The kids were perfectly behaved (even if I did have to bribe with Cheerios) and Ziga only told me once in his normal volume voice that it was time to go home. We then met my mom and headed to Talk for brunch. Zala ate her weight in food and then we drove down to Pittsburg for an afternoon dinner and egg hunt at Teta & Jimmy's home. Ziga had a blast with his cousins and actually ate his second healthy meal of the day, and kept the sugar to a minimum. If you look closely you can see the melted chocolate on his white oxford. It would be Easter without melted chocolate! Zala had a great day as well, eating strawberry shortcake, green beans, and mashed potatoes. She loved being held by everyone and I can't say for sure, but even though she was really slippery in her slightly-over-the-top dress, I may get her another one like that for next year. It was really fun having her all dressed up!

From Easter Week

Neglecting the Blog

Well, I don't really have any good excuses--but it has been a little busier around here lately, with my time on the computer being more focused on the e-retail business. Here is a little slideshow from March--nothing spectacular. April and Easter pics to follow shortly......

From Random March Pics