January 8, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

Ziga appears to be going through a "shy" phase which includes not talking to anyone on the phone, and disliking having his handiwork photographed. Pictured above his Play-Doh toast. It looks purple because white and brown have been so well mixed together than an entirely new color was formed. The Play-Doh kitchen set was a fantastic gift from Janez's parents. HOURS of entertainment. Highly recommended.

The kids and I were in pajamas until noon on Monday. It was fun, and Ziga played with Zala really well in his new favorite place, his parents' bed.

Smiley and content.

Like I said, Ziga's new favorite place. I am betting on a 4:00AM visit.

So, Santa brought Ziga this fantastic tunnel/tent ensemble. Later on Christmas day some uncle figures who shall remain nameless taught Ziga how to walk around while inside the tunnel. So, while he does not care to crawl inside the tunnel, he does walk around the kitchen in the morning, inside the tunnel, and tries to scare Zala (she just laughs) by telling her that "dinosaurs are coming!"

A New Year for the blog! Yes, folks, that's right, my plan is to post about 3 times a week. I know you're all thinking, "Ali, it's late, you need to go to bed. Obviously you're speaking from exhaustion, because you haven't posted since NOVEMBER!!!" True, my friends. But--New Year, New Me. I will be wearing my retainer. Going to the gym. Eating my broccoli. Answering emails in a timely fashion (try not to laugh at that one). And, posting to the blog regularly. To kick off the new year (yeah, I know, I know-- I'm already a little tardy, since it is already January 8th) I'm going to post some pics I took of the kids. I welcome harassment, subtle, and not-so, about posting more regularly, so feel free to er, comment.


Jamie said...

Oh, there will be prodding if you don't post :) Glad to have you back!

heatherhusker18 said...

Good luck with the posting.

The play-doh kitchen...is awesome!

Kalan Family said...

Love it, Love it!! "The dinosaurs are coming!!" - He wouldn't have been playing Jurassic Park III with a certain cousin?? Scary the things that child will teach innocent little Ziga!!!