July 27, 2009

Chicken Run

Saturday was the Deanna Rose Chicken Run for kids. It was SO much fun and the kids had a blast. It was WELL worth the $15. The goodie bag was awesome and who wouldn't want to support Deanna Rose. We met the Jenny & Mike and the fam there and Ziga and Jack buddied up (but ran different races). Ziga had this excited look on his face the whole time he was running, like he didn't really know what was going on but was swept up in it all the same. I actually got a little tear in my eye watching him race! Maggie, Ziga, and Jack all ran 1/8 mile!

Getting pumped up

Making their way to the start--what anticipation!

Miss Maggie was the first to race!

Go Ziga Go!

Jack is FAST

Daddy's girl, all the way!

Well, I tried anyway.


Anonymous said...

we love, love, love the farmstead. i didn't know they had a kids' run. we'll have to do it next year.

heatherhusker18 said...

Oh how much fun! I really wish that we could have been there. I'll have to remember this for next year. And of course more great pictures!