November 14, 2008

Back Up & Running!!!

Who says it can't be 70 degrees in KS in November??

Grandma's Birthday

Taking a nap with Oce after the KU/KState Football Game

Grandma & Zala

Ziga's yellow crocs have been the best investment!

Gotta love this pic of Zala dressed as a flower for her first Halloween

We had a great day in Emporia at the end of October to celebrate Janko's SIXTH birthday!!! Where does the time go????

Zala started solids towards the end of October.
Welcome to the world of Rice Cereal, Princess Zala.

Due to my discovery of facebook approximately 2 months ago, as well as various computer and camera issues, the blog suffered a great deal. We are finally back on-line, although at the moment I appear to be having camera battery issues. Here are some pics of the last few months. I have some fun videos and pics of the kids that I will upload when I figure out my next technical challenge.


Jamie said...

Good to "see" you back up and going! We missed you! I had to laugh every time I looked at my blog and it said your last update was "two months" ago!

Museum Mama said...

Glad to see you're back up and running!