July 15, 2009

Ziga's Birthday and Deanna Rose Pics

Ziga and Zala have had a great week. First, there was Ziga's birthday on Sunday, which was just a huge party as usual. Then, Monday morning, we got to meet up with friends Kohen, Emily, Conrad, Jonas, and little Maryn at Deanna Rose! Every time we go to Deanna Rose I ask myself why we're not there more often. I think I'm going to make it a weekly thing, it is so close and so great for the kids.
Ziga Birthday and Deanna Rose


Anonymous said...

looks like he had a great bday!

Kalan Family said...

Glad to see that Ziga will be able to grow into the pjs!! Love the pics of the girls-even Polona's messy hair looks ok!!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday!

my panda fanatic roommate got a cute Morn Creations bag as birthday gift!
she is just THRILLED with it.