Well, it's been a while since I've posted, but I have drafted a few posts that don't go through because the pics attached were too large. So......since I was feeling lazy I didn't resize them. Really going to try to get better at this. The kids are doing great. Ziga is enjoying pre-school immensely and we are having fun at playdates. The kids helped me rake today. Ziga is really into his Halloween candy. Specifically, he enjoys choosing pieces for each member of the family (Mama, you get this one" etc etc). Zala is talking quite a bit. Her favorite word is "baby". She is officially bi-lingual with two words: "baby" and more often, "no". I have also heard "mine" a lot lately. Hmmmmmm. Here are a few pics.
Kenny’s 15 and Luke’s 12 year stats
5 years ago
they look so cute in their halloween costumes.
Zala looks so much older. They are both still adorable. I'm glad that Ziga likes preschool so much.
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