February 28, 2010


We had a great month--but it's been busy, and I've been slacking on posts! I created a photo album. Photos are in no particular order. But--we had Janez's birthday, playtime with Avery, a good couple of hours outside when it warmed up a little, and other fun times with friends. February flew by--we're excited for more fun times in March!
From February 2010

February 15, 2010


Ziga and Zala get along soooo well--and tonight they proved what a great team they are. While I was on the phone and doing dishes after dinner, Zala apparently told Ziga that she had to go to the bathroom (she has been sitting on the potty and doing something in there once or twice a day). When I hung up the phone I heard Ziga trying to lift something, and I went into the bathroom to discover that he had helped Zala onto the potty, by pulling her pants down, taking her diaper off, and lifting her up! Then he said, "there you go Zala." Just about melted my heart. And--bonus--she went in the potty! Awesome little people :)

February 14, 2010

This Morning....

....I turn on the baby monitor, finally, at 8:15 just in case I can't hear Zala when she wakes up after all. And, I hear lots of strange noises and am wondering what she is doing in her crib to make those noises. So, Ziga and I start to go up the stairs to get her (he always wants to come with me), and I realize that I hear noises coming from her exer-saucer, which I store in a corner of her room. She had climbed out of her crib! It made sense to me in a way--she really fought her nap yesterday--when she usually is very good about going to sleep--and Grandma, who was nice enough to babysit for us last night, said she didn't think she needed to go to bed ("no nigh nigh!"). So--this marks Zala's first time climbing out of the crib. I am very interested to see if she does it again. Ziga did it only once when we lived out in CA. Time will tell!

February 9, 2010


So---I know I am neglecting the blog as usual, and this little story actually happened last week. Anyone who knows Ziga knows that he is very concerned when things don't "work" and will jump at an opportunity to find batteries, unscrew the battery cover, and make it work again. So, this was an interesting conversation.

Z: Mommy, do we have batteries?

Me(distracted): Yeah, Ziga, we have some, I don't know what size though, only double
A...what do you need them for?!

Z: No, Mommy, do we have batteries?

Me: Oh, like, in our bodies?

Z: Yeah, yeah! Like, so we can think.

Me: Well, Ziga, we don't have batteries because we are people, but this is how our bodies work (and then I launched into what I am sure was a confusing explanation of the heart and the brain--but I kept it as simple as I could. He was satisfied, in any case).