July 28, 2008

Little Girl Smiles & Ty & Hannah's Visit

Hangin' with the uncles--Steve & Ty

Zala was a bit overstimulated last night at Grandpa's--
but slept a 5 1/2 hour stretch! Hallelujah!

My fave pic of these two so far

More smiles....

Zala loves having Ziga close by

Smiley Girl

Ziga can get in and out of his own carseat now, but if we're not fast enough, this is what happens...

Zala started socially smiling last week, which has been pretty fun. Ziga is enjoying her more now that she seems to respond to him. I have a feeling they are going to get along great. Saturday Ty & Hannah visited from St. Louis. I don't know why I didn't get any pics of Hannah--I will next time! She is almost 15 now and just got her braces off. She is beautiful and intelligent, and I am proud to call her my niece!

July 25, 2008

Royals Game

Zala's first baseball game!

Ziga had a great time dancing and people-watching.

Oh yeah, another reason he screamed on the way home. He wanted to have the bottle of water I had in the car all to himself. SO independent!

Very serious stuff, guys.

"Go home?"--Ziga was ready at inning 7. Probably why he screamed on the way home.

Janez got free tix to the Royals/Tigers game on Wednesday. Ziga was fantastic considering he didn't have a nap. He thoroughly enjoyed his first frosty malt, and kept his Royals baseball cap on most of the game. Zala slept through almost the whole thing. Both screamed on the way home. The car next to us on the highway could even hear Ziga when we had the window open for a minute. Overall, a success!

Life As 4

We are adjusting to life as a family of four. I can kind of understand now why parents of 3 feel outnumbered....and Zala isn't even mobile yet! We have our moments, for sure, but
life as 4 is good......

Ziga loves to push Zala in her swing (very gently, of course).

Zala is getting bigger every day!

Brother & Sis weighed in at the doctor this week at 34 lbs. and 10 lbs 4 oz. Ziga is 35 3/4 inches. How has my first-born become almost 3 feet tall already?! As my co-worker Dina once said,
"If you feed 'em, they grow!"

July 21, 2008

Ziga's Birthday

The next day--in Jayhawk Gear, mowing the floors.

What a great day--we all slept good that night!

Only because it's your birthday, Ziga :)

Present Time!

Aw, Ziga & Polona are sharing!

I LOVE this pic--Ziga & Stric Gregi

Yum....the Costco Cake!!

Happy Birthday to Ziga!!!

Little Miss Maggie and her shoe fetish

Chillin' at the kid's table

We started Ziga's birthday by participating in a fishing tourney at Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead (thanks Jasna & Gregor!). We only had 5 minutes to fish, as they had to close the park due to inclement weather. The winner supposedly caught 32 fish. Riiiiiigght.

Daddy/Son Team

Matevz is a very focused fisherman!!!

Janko, Ziga, and Janez trying to reel some in before time is up

Huh? Cracker Jacks as fish bait? Team Polona & Stara Ata

Hmm....sharing or fighting over Cracker Jacks?

Really, I will get better about posting more regularly. I have a few friends (who shall remain nameless.... ahem) who post every day. Can't say I'll do that, but I'll strive for a few times a week!

Ziga turned two on July 12th. What started out as a small cookout turned into a huge birthday bash. Thanks so much to everyone that traveled near and far to help Ziga celebrate the start of his (sniff, sniff) third year!

July 7, 2008

July 4th Weekend

What an action-packed day the 4th was! We participated in the neighborhood 4th of July parade, Zala took her first road trip, and we discovered that Ziga is not such a big fan of fireworks. We had a fantastic weekend down in Pittsburg visiting Staramama, Stariata, and Stric Jurij! Ziga did a fantastic job getting his first "little boy" haircut in a salon. I almost cried like it was his first, it makes him look so grown up.

Zala in her pretty sundress--thanks Jurij & Mel!!!

The parade down our street was so much fun!

Post-parade and Post-Party at the Park

Janez and Jurij setting off fireworks

He liked the lights, but the fireworks were
a little too loud for Ziga, and he hung on for dear life!

Stariata & Zala. She is such a girl--
if you look close you can see one little finger in her mouth.

Out like a light!

Ziga is in cake and ice cream heaven since we celebrated
Jurij and Anna's birthdays!

Hanging with Stric Jurij--one of our favorite things to do!

Celebrating 2nd Birthday (early) with Grandma

Grandma and Uncle Steve came over for an early birthday celebration on the 1st. Ziga actually ate meat (it was covered with cheese, he probably didn't even know it was there) and loved the "dirt" that Grandma made for desert.

It actually does look like Ziga ate dirt, doesn't it?

Two of Ziga's favorites rolled into one: The Backyardigans Ball.

We are all enjoying this one. Thanks for the soccer goal, Grandma!

July 3, 2008

Our first posting!

The birth of our first child was amazing, but having a second baby has made me realize how fast those truly precious first few years fly by. On June 15th, Father's Day, we welcomed into the world our new baby girl, Zala Adrijana Lomshek. Big Brother Ziga Milan is doing very well adjusting, and loves his sister. Welcome to our blog!

Labor was fast--Zala was born at 11:50,
less than 5 hours after we got to the hospital.

For Father's Day Janez got a pair of sandals and......a daughter!!!

What a great big brother--Ziga is telling Zala all about the fish.

I swear, it's not gas--this little girl smiles!!!